Metaphysical Street Smarts

How Can I Discern Intuition From Ruminating Thought?

Season 1 Episode 5

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In This Episode: 
✨ - Intro 
✨ - It's been over a month since our first episode! Hooray! 
✨ - Anne's Cosmic Nudge: What Do I Want For My Sim Today? 
✨ - Listener Question from Vivian: If the same thought keeps coming back how can I tell if it's intuition or if my mind is just in "crazy-brain" mode? What if the thought never stops and I push through it and then I realize I should have listened ages ago? 
✨ - The question behind the question may be: When do I listen and when do I not listen? 
✨ - How do you define intuition? 
✨ -Define boundaries for clear intuitive communication, ie: I'll recognize intuition because the information will come to me three times, or it'll fit perfectly into my calendar, or be a big ole billboard-type "sign", etc. Whatever works for you! 
✨ - Is it fear-based? Will it hurt anybody? If it can cause harm - it's not intuition. Intuition is from a unified field to bless everyone. 
📖 - Practical Intuition by Laura Day 
✨ - Intuition is always loving, kind, and patient. There's never punishment or pressure. It's just a "fleeting connection to the highest level of our potential". 
✨ - Listening to and testing an intuitive "hit" helps to develop our connection - so does journaling what works. 
✨ - Setting our intuitive practice and what works for us - having our own unique parameters - allows for personal intuitive communication. 
✨ - The more clarity we have in all of our roles the more intuition can be clear to and with us- just like choosing thought through aligning to what we want allows for more clear thought. 
✨ - Authentic clarity = energy resonates and allows us to focus and attract the things - from the abundance of what's available - that truly support what we're aiming for in one way or another. 
✨ - Anne wants to do it all, like Helen, but her priority is to show up as awesome mom and wife - and when she's aligned to that she can discern what aligns with a supports that commitment. 
✨ - Part of school is really about learning to conform. Conforming allows us to function as individual parts of a larger society in a way that works. 
✨ - Conforming + Intuition +Self Discipline = Spirit can PLAY! 
✨ - Self discipline in intuition is the journaling, the learning, the practicing that we usually don't want to do. 
✨ -  Helen's Question for you for the overall podcast: What is it that you don't already have that you want? And what are you willing to do to allow it in? 
✨ -

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✨For info on upcoming events, free resources, and consults with Helen visit

✨ "Metaphysical Street Smarts" is for entertainment and informational purposes only. The content shared on this podcast is not intended to be professional advice -- legal, medical, metaphysical, or otherwise. We encourage you to do your own research, trust your intuition, and consult with a qualified professional where needed. We're here to share and spark ideas!

✨As always we invite you to take what blesses you and leave the rest.
Thanks for tuning in and spending time with us. Until next time, stay grounded!

🎧Master of Mastering: Brad McIntyre.
🎵Theme music: